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Regenerative Medicine


Dr. Leslye Pace has been a practicing Anesthesiologist with a Fellowship in Pain Management for the past two decades. She completed her internship, residency, and fellowship at the University of Alabama, Birmingham. For many years as a Pain Management Physician, Dr. Pace has as most Physicians alleviated symptoms rather than treat the causative factors of her patients’ degenerative conditions. She is more inspired than ever to be a medical doctor and be empowered to finally help regenerate and restore health from the inside out at a cellular level. The moment you meet Dr. Pace you instantly recognize her sincere compassion and dedication to redeem the definition of HealthCARE for each and every one of her patients!

The game of Golf is dependent upon sound joint mobility and flexibility. GolfCORE360 offers the most advanced regenerative therapies for orthopedic joint conditions.

Regenerative therapy can help reduce joint pain and inflammation as well as stimulate joint and tissue regeneration.  

Regenerative therapeutic treatments can help reduce or eliminate pain and improve your mobility and range of motion to better enhance your Golf game.

Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections

In recent years, doctors have learned that the body has the ability to heal itself. Platelet-rich plasma therapy is a form of regenerative medicine that can harness those abilities and amplify the natural growth factors your body uses to heal tissue. Golfers, athletes, and people of all ages can benefit from the natural regenerative properties that PRP offers. Leslye Pace, M.D., is our Regenerative Specialist at GolfCORE360. She has over 5 years of experience in the Regenerative space and has treated patients of all ages who have received excellent outcomes across the board. She’s been an Anesthesiologist with a Fellowship In Pain Management for over 22 years with a spotless reputation and outstanding patient and peers reviews.

What is plasma and what are platelets?

Plasma is the liquid portion of whole blood. It is composed largely of water and proteins, and it provides a medium for red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets to circulate through the body. Platelets, also called thrombocytes, are blood cells that cause blood clots and other necessary growth healing functions.

Platelet activation plays a key role in the body’s natural healing process.

What is platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and what are PRP injections?

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy uses injections of a concentration of a patient’s own platelets to accelerate the healing of injured tendons, ligaments, muscles, and joints. In this way, PRP injections use each individual patient’s own healing system to improve musculoskeletal problems.

PRP injections are prepared by taking anywhere from one to a few tubes of your own blood and running it through a centrifuge to concentrate the platelets. These activated platelets are then injected directly into your injured or diseased body tissue. This releases growth factors that stimulate and increase the number of reparative cells your body produces.

Platelet-rich plasma has been found to significantly enhance the healing process and using a PRP injection for shoulder pain caused by rotator cuff tears, for Achilles tendon ruptures, and for other soft-tissue injuries is becoming more common.

PRP has also been demonstrated to improve function and reduce pain in people who have tendonitis or chronic tendinosis conditions such as tennis elbow or golfer’s elbow.

Some of the key advantages of PRP injections are that they can reduce the need for anti-inflammatories or stronger medications like opioids. In addition, the side effects of PRP injections are very limited because, since the injections are created from your own blood, your body will not reject or react negatively to them.

Anti-Inflammatory IV

Inflammation, if left unchecked can lead to many chronic health issues. Our custom anti-inflammatory IV has been selectively prepared with specific ingredients to help balance your inflammatory response. With less inflammation and an immune system that is optimized in a coordinated and balanced fashion, remarkable improvements in your health should take effect. Because the IV is administered directly into the bloodstream, the positive effects should occur rapidly. Below is a summary of some of the ingredients in our custom blended IV.

  • B Vitamins: B vitamins come with a lot of health benefits. The B vitamins in the intravenous cocktail will help increase your energy levels. They are excellent for growth and development, the nervous system, skin health, a properly functioning digestive system, promoting break down of body fats, and they keep your eyes healthy.
  • Vitamin C: It is an essential nutrients for a functioning immune system. It is suitable for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, skin appearance, and eye diseases.
  • Calcium: Calcium is well known for its role in bone strengthening. It’s also suitable for controlling blood pressure, strengthening cardiac muscles, preventing premenstrual depression, and maintaining ideal body weight.
  • Magnesium: Magnesium is necessary for the absorption of calcium. This means it has a role in the strengthening of bones. It also prevents and relieves migraines, reduces anxiety, and minimizes PMS symptoms.
  • LL-37: LL-37 is a peptide that has shown to have major anti-inflammatory activity. This peptide is a member of the cathelicidin family of peptides which are know to have anti-microbial properties as well. It can play a major role in regulating and creating a balanced inflammatory response.

The length of the IV treatment takes about 60 minutes to complete and you are in and out on the same day. Given the current environment that we are all living in today, a healthy immune system is your best weapon for maintaining optimal health. A healthy immune system is two-fold. The first is being able to mount a healthy immune response and the second is to control the response. With both of these two key areas in balance, a healthy immune system is present. Our customized formula helps promote these two key areas.

Full Spectrum Infrared Sauna’s

We Offer The Most Advanced Full-Spectrum, Infrared Heat Saunas That Naturally Boost Your Immunity and Beyond!

The heat generated by a full spectrum infrared sauna stimulates the energy at a cellular level which, in turn, increases the body’s production of white blood cells. These cells form a component of your blood and act as your immune system’s first line of defense when infection strikes. When a harmful substance enters your body, white blood cells detect it and control the immune system’s response. Clearly, these small cells are critical when it comes to the functionality of our immune systems. Increased production of white blood cells, as stimulated by infrared sauna use, can help the body to more effectively fight off illnesses.


Fall brings with it cooler weather and unfortunately cold and flu season. As the temperature drops and settles into a colder pattern, the cold and flu viruses spread more easily since they flourish in this climate.

Usually spread in highly populated settings like schools and offices, cold and flu viruses can often be avoided by strengthening your immune system so that it can fight the illnesses with its full strength. There are endless home remedies and over-the-counter medications that you can take to strengthen your immune system during this vulnerable time of the year, but one method has proven especially effective: the use of a Full Spectrum Infrared Sauna.

Before we dive into the multitude of benefits that come with using an infrared sauna to strengthen your immune system, let’s take a look at what exactly causes a weakened immune system. An immune system may not be working to its optimal capabilities if it is dealing with malnutrition, excess stress, little to no exercise, a lack of sleep, or a combination.

Unfortunately, some of these things may be unavoidable at times and we may need some immune system support. While infrared sauna use directly benefits the immune system, it also provides you with health benefits when it comes to sleep, stress, and detoxification, giving you a well-rounded experience that positively impacts multiple aspects of your well-being. Benefits of an infrared sauna that specifically help to strengthen your immune system include:

1. Increased Production of White Blood Cells:

The heat generated by an infrared sauna stimulates the energy at a cellular level which, in turn, increases the body’s production of white blood cells. These cells form a component of your blood and act as your immune system’s first line of defense when infection strikes. When a harmful substance enters your body, white blood cells detect it and control the immune system’s response. Clearly, these small cells are critical when it comes to the functionality of our immune systems. Increased production of white blood cells, as stimulated by infrared sauna use, can help the body to more effectively fight off illnesses.

2. Triggered Immune System:

Hippocrates famously said, “Give me a fever and I can cure any disease.” The idea that increased temperatures trigger the body’s immune system response is certainly not new. Fevers help your body to fight off infection by allowing certain immune cells to work more efficiently and effectively. According to the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, hyperthermia, or the exposure of the body to high temperatures, gives these cells the ability to destroy virus-infected cells and tumor cells.

3. Releases Impurities:

One major benefit of infrared sauna use is detoxification. When your body does not sweat enough, it holds onto potentially harmful toxins, chemicals, and impurities that were meant to be eliminated through sweat. These impurities may come from the food you eat, the air you breathe, the liquids you drink, and anything else you may consume. Ensuring that your body can eliminate these toxins efficiently is one of the best ways to stay healthy and support your immune system. A typical 20-30 minute session in an infrared sauna allows your body to flush out these impurities from the inside out so your immune system has less to fight off. You may even notice a slight glow in your skin after your sauna session. This is visible evidence that your body’s largest organ has been purified and detoxified.

4. Better Blood Circulation:

The deeply penetrating heat of a full spectrum, infrared sauna promotes blood circulation throughout your entire body, providing oxygen-rich nutrients to your extremities. This means that any areas that were poorly circulated before your sauna session will be flushed out, and any harmful substances that were building up will be released through sweat. The increase in circulation pumps the blood towards the outside surface of your body, taking with it any bacteria or other illness-causing substances. Better circulation also benefits the heart, muscles, and arteries.

5. Increased Cellular Regeneration:

Infrared sauna usage can also strengthen the immune system by stimulating cell regeneration. This kind of regeneration can help your body dispose of cells that might be old, damaged, or ineffective and replace them with new cells. Over time all cells are regenerated, but the heat from an infrared sauna catalyzes the regeneration process and ensures all bodily systems are running as smoothly as possible. This is especially beneficial during the cold and flu season when the body is being attacked more frequently.

6. Relaxation:

Since high-stress levels often result in a weakened immune system and, as a result, illness, reducing your stress levels is crucial when it comes to maintaining a healthy body. Excess levels of cortisol, the hormone that is released when the body is stressed, can weaken your immune system’s ability to fight off harmful bacteria and viruses. Regular use of an infrared sauna balances cortisol levels and relaxes the body and mind. This allows your immune system to work efficiently, without the hindrance of high cortisol levels.

Our Pace Yourself To Health full spectrum infrared saunas offer an experience that will aid your body with the immune-boosting benefits mentioned above and more. These customized, futuristic, spa-like, hand-crafted sanctuaries provide you with a luxurious retreat.

Fall brings with it many things. Illness does not have to be one of them. With proper care and preparation, your immune system can stand up to the cold and flu viruses that seem to be waiting until the cooler months to attack. The use of our Pace Yourself To Health full spectrum infrared sauna strengthens your immune system by increasing white blood cell production, triggering the immune system, releasing impurities, improving blood circulation, regenerating cells, and promoting relaxation. With a strong defense system, you are free to enjoy the season of colorful foliage, warm drinks, and pumpkin patches in full health.

7. Magically Melt Away Harmful Body Fat:

Our Pace Yourself To Health full spectrum infrared saunas help to melt away harmful body fat while also releasing “Obesogens” which are toxins that get stored inside our fat cells thus preventing these fats cells from being burned and utilized as fuel. By naturally increasing the core temperature of your body our infrared saunas will effortlessly melt away these harmful and unwanted pounds to make you look and feel your best!

Cryotherapy: Natural Wellness In Just 3 Minutes!

By utilizing cold temperatures to promote natural healing and wellness from within, Pace Yourself To Health Cryotherapy cryo chambers provides whole body cryotherapy as a fast and very effective alternative to traditional ice baths and their downsides. Our state-of-the-art cryotherapy chamber fills with nitrogen vapor and a dry chill that drops the ambient temperature to a range of -90 Celsius (-130ºF) to -120 Celsius (-184ºF).

According to a 2016 industry survey with over 300 patients, cryotherapy users have reported that whole body cryotherapy gives them a multitude of benefits including but not limited to; Pain Relief, Muscle Recovery, Reduced Inflammation, Weight Loss, and Mental Clarity.

For more information about whole body cryotherapy and what it’s like to experience a session contact us today at Pace Yourself To Health!

What is Red Light Therapy (RLT)?

Red light therapy (RLT) is a therapeutic technique that uses red low-level wavelengths of light to treat skin issues, such as wrinkles, scars, and persistent wounds, among other conditions.

In the early 1990s, Red Light Therapy was used by scientists to help grow plants in space. The scientists found that the intense light from red light-emitting diodes (LEDs) helped promote the growth and photosynthesis of plant cells.

Red Light Therapy was then studied for its potential application in medicine, even more specifically to find out if it could increase energy inside human cells. The researchers hoped that Red Light Therapy could be an effective way to treat muscle atrophy, slow wound healing, and help bone density issues caused by weightlessness during space travel.

How does Red Light Therapy work?

Red light therapy produces a biochemical effect in cells that strengthen the mitochondria. The mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cell, it’s where the cell’s energy is created. The energy-carrying molecule found in the cells of all living things is called ATP (adenosine triphosphate).

By stimulating and increasing the function of the mitochondria using Red Light Therapy, a cell can actually generate more ATP. With added energy, cells can function more efficiently, rejuvenate themselves, and repair cell damage.

Red Light Therapy (RLT) is different from Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) therapies because it doesn’t cause damage to the skin surface. Laser and pulsed light therapies primarily work by causing controlled damage to the outer layer of the skin, which then induces tissue regeneration. Red Light Therapy bypasses this abrasive step by directly stimulating the regeneration of the skin. The unique light emitted by Red Light Therapy penetrates roughly 5 millimeters below the surface of the skin.

How is Red Light Therapy currently used and what are the benefits?

Ever since the initial experiments performed in space, there have been hundreds of clinical studies and thousands of laboratory studies conducted to determine if Red Light Therapy has medical wellness benefits.

Many studies have had very promising results. Currently, there is such evidence to suggest that Red Light Therapy may have the following benefits:

  • Promotes wound healing and tissue repair.
  • Improves hair growth in people with androgenic alopecia.
  • Help for the short-term treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome.
  • Stimulates healing of slow-healing wounds such as diabetic foot ulcers.
  • Reduces psoriasis lesions.
  • Aids with short-term relief of pain and morning stiffness in people with rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Reduces some of the side effects of cancer treatments, including oral mucositis.
  • Improves skin complexion and builds collagen to reduce wrinkles.
  • Helps to mend sun damage.
  • Prevents recurring cold sores from herpes simplex virus infections.
  • Improves the health of joints in people with degenerative osteoarthritis of the knee.
  • Helps diminish scars.
  • Relieves pain and inflammation in people with pain in the Achilles’ tendons.

Come and experience advanced Red Light Therapy at Pace Yourself To Health today and Live Better!