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Group Wellness

Motivational, educational, group wellness classes

Our Pace Yourself To Health Motivational, Educational, Group Wellness Classes are the best way to stay plugged into the ultimate Support Team that will make your transformation a sure thing! Group Classes are personally instructed by John Pace, “Advanced Physical Fitness Specialist” by The World-Renowned Cooper Institute in Dallas, Texas. John will motivate you and yours beyond anything you’ve ever experienced before and he will personally demonstrate correct biomechanics, diaphragmatic breathing, postural integrity, all by implementing the most effective and efficient wellness sessions to achieve optimal results! After just one class you will be sure that you’re in the right place doing it at the right place! IT’S ALL ABOUT YOU at Pace Yourself To Health!

[NOTE:] Each Group Motivational Wellness Class is 40 minutes in duration and consists of a balance between stretching and warm-up, interval cardio training, strength and resistance conditioning, and cool down for a complete mind, body and spiritual experience!